Monday, July 2, 2012


I'm afraid I've jumped on the smoothie bandwagon. They are easy, nutritious, and TASTY! Tasty being the most important reason, of course.

My friends, I would like to introduce you to the smoothie that is a whopping 283 calories and provides you with 25 grams of fiber and 50 grams of protein. Yeah. That's awesome. And as I mentioned above, it is pretty damn delicious, too.

Mango Kale Smoothie


1/2 banana (frozen to give the smoothie an ice cream like consistency)
handful of frozen mango chunks
1 stem kale (just tear it up a little, nothing fancy)
1/3 cup nonfat plain yogurt 
2 tbsp wheat germ 
1 tbsp slivered almonds


Throw it all in a blender or food processor. Blend. Drink. Smile. 

Also, it takes better if you drink it out of a mason jar. Science, folks.


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